Falling Star (NR)

"Falling Star" is a romantic comedy that fuses music and pop culture with a satirical and gentle look into Orthodox Judaism and Kabbalah. Ex-boyband pop star, Bobby Starr is booked to headline the grand opening of the first Kosher Casino in the Catskills. The reason Bobby gets this unlikely booking is that the daughter of the hotel owner, Rebekkah has a secret crush on him. Hiring him to perform live at the hotel is her last act of rebellion before committing to her arranged marriage. Through his music, they will both be saved from their own bleak destinies and discover brighter futures.
Opened January 26th, 2014

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"Falling Star" is a romantic comedy that fuses music and pop culture with a satirical and gentle look into Orthodox Judaism and Kabbalah. Ex-boyband pop star, Bobby Starr is booked to headline the grand opening of the first Kosher Casino in the Catskills. The reason Bobby gets this unlikely booking is that the daughter of the hotel owner, Rebekkah has a secret crush on him. Hiring him to perform live at the hotel is her last act of rebellion before committing to her arranged marriage. Through his music, they will both be saved from their own bleak destinies and discover brighter futures.
Opened January 26th, 2014