Lulu and Jimi (NR)

In 1950s Germany on a sunny afternoon in an amusement park, Lulu, a prized beauty from a well-heeled, white German family, meets Jimi, the impossibly handsome son of a damaged African American World War II veteran, and falls head over heels in love. Lulu's scheming mother, Gertrud, together with her secret lover, Schultz, the chauffeur, and a wicked old shrink, Von Oppeln, do all in their power to tear the two lovers apart, but the trio are only the first of many obstacles that will stand in the way of the couple's passion. Thus starts Oskar Roehler's dazzling feature film Lulu and Jimi, a stylish, musically infused romance that plays as hot and heavy as the chemistry between the interracial lovebirds.Roehler crafts a colorful, magical world full of visual whimsy, revved up with a sizzling soundtrack of rock and roll, as Lulu and Jimi's love sweeps out the stale air of the 1950s. Actors Jennifer Decker and Ray Fearon turn in magnetic performances as Lulu and Jimi, a couple that fearlessly takes on the evil powers of a deeply bigoted society. Roehler's Lulu and Jimi is a sexy and exceedingly entertaining watch that aims to set hearts thumping and fingers snapping as you wait to see if love saves the day.
1 hr. 34 min.
Opened January 16th, 2009

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In 1950s Germany on a sunny afternoon in an amusement park, Lulu, a prized beauty from a well-heeled, white German family, meets Jimi, the impossibly handsome son of a damaged African American World War II veteran, and falls head over heels in love. Lulu's scheming mother, Gertrud, together with her secret lover, Schultz, the chauffeur, and a wicked old shrink, Von Oppeln, do all in their power to tear the two lovers apart, but the trio are only the first of many obstacles that will stand in the way of the couple's passion. Thus starts Oskar Roehler's dazzling feature film Lulu and Jimi, a stylish, musically infused romance that plays as hot and heavy as the chemistry between the interracial lovebirds.Roehler crafts a colorful, magical world full of visual whimsy, revved up with a sizzling soundtrack of rock and roll, as Lulu and Jimi's love sweeps out the stale air of the 1950s. Actors Jennifer Decker and Ray Fearon turn in magnetic performances as Lulu and Jimi, a couple that fearlessly takes on the evil powers of a deeply bigoted society. Roehler's Lulu and Jimi is a sexy and exceedingly entertaining watch that aims to set hearts thumping and fingers snapping as you wait to see if love saves the day.
1 hr. 34 min.
Opened January 16th, 2009