I'll Believe You (PG)

Radio talk-show host Dale Sweeney's usual line up of odd-ball, conspiracy-obsessed callers is interrupted by a panicked phone call in an indecipherable language. When FBI agents arrive investigating the call and rumors of UFO sightings intensify, Dale enlists his friends and loyal listeners to find out the true identity of this strange caller.
Comedy, Family
1 hr. 27 min.
Opened November 9th, 2007

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Radio talk-show host Dale Sweeney's usual line up of odd-ball, conspiracy-obsessed callers is interrupted by a panicked phone call in an indecipherable language. When FBI agents arrive investigating the call and rumors of UFO sightings intensify, Dale enlists his friends and loyal listeners to find out the true identity of this strange caller.
Comedy, Family
1 hr. 27 min.
Opened November 9th, 2007