The Wedding Weekend (R)

A group of guys who sang a cappella together in college reunite 15 years later to perform at a friend’s wedding. The group takes a break from their less-than-perfect lives in Manhattan for a long weekend of rehearsals at a rambling family beach house, their significant others, spouses and one Swedish nanny in tow. The experience lets them take stock of how their lives have progressed--and in some cases regressed--since their college heyday. One bar room brawl, nostalgic skinny dip, near death experience, surprising sex fantasy and miraculously salvaged wedding later, these lifelong friends readjust their perspective. In the end, they raise their voices in song to what’s good and true in their lives.
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened April 27th, 2007

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A group of guys who sang a cappella together in college reunite 15 years later to perform at a friend’s wedding. The group takes a break from their less-than-perfect lives in Manhattan for a long weekend of rehearsals at a rambling family beach house, their significant others, spouses and one Swedish nanny in tow. The experience lets them take stock of how their lives have progressed--and in some cases regressed--since their college heyday. One bar room brawl, nostalgic skinny dip, near death experience, surprising sex fantasy and miraculously salvaged wedding later, these lifelong friends readjust their perspective. In the end, they raise their voices in song to what’s good and true in their lives.
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened April 27th, 2007