Death at a Funeral (2007) (R)

A dysfunctional British family gathers for the patriarch's funeral. Tensions rise, old conflicts are uncovered and, when a man arrives saying he's the dead man's gay lover and threatens blackmail, drastic measures are taken.
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened August 17th, 2007
MovieGoer Review
Unfortunately, you're likely to find more laughs at a real funeral than in Death at a Funeral, Frank Oz's deathly dull homage to the character-driven farces made by Britain's beloved Ealing Studios.
Death is supp... MORE

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A dysfunctional British family gathers for the patriarch's funeral. Tensions rise, old conflicts are uncovered and, when a man arrives saying he's the dead man's gay lover and threatens blackmail, drastic measures are taken.
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened August 17th, 2007
MovieGoer Review
Unfortunately, you're likely to find more laughs at a real funeral than in Death at a Funeral, Frank Oz's deathly dull homage to the character-driven farces made by Britain's beloved Ealing Studios.
Death is supp... MORE