The Mother (2004) (R)

May is an ordinary grandmother from the North of England. When her husband dies on a family visit to London, she recedes into the background of her busy, metropolitan children's lives. Stuck in an unfamiliar city, far from home, May fears that she has become another invisible old lady whose life is more or less over. Until, that is, she embarks on a passionate affair with Darren, a man half her age who is renovating her son's house and sleeping with her daughter.
1 hr. 51 min.
Opened May 28th, 2004

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May is an ordinary grandmother from the North of England. When her husband dies on a family visit to London, she recedes into the background of her busy, metropolitan children's lives. Stuck in an unfamiliar city, far from home, May fears that she has become another invisible old lady whose life is more or less over. Until, that is, she embarks on a passionate affair with Darren, a man half her age who is renovating her son's house and sleeping with her daughter.
1 hr. 51 min.
Opened May 28th, 2004