Daaru Na Peenda Hove


"Daaru Na Pinda Hove" is a Punjabi film that follows three childhood friends, Jassi, Balli, and Garry, as they navigate love, friendship, and misunderstandings. Jassi falls for Simran, but their relationship faces challenges due to interference from others. The film explores themes of loyalty, trust, and the complexities of modern relationships.


Comedydrama, Family
2 hr. 6 min.
Opened August 2nd, 2024

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"Daaru Na Pinda Hove" is a Punjabi film that follows three childhood friends, Jassi, Balli, and Garry, as they navigate love, friendship, and misunderstandings. Jassi falls for Simran, but their relationship faces challenges due to interference from others. The film explores themes of loyalty, trust, and the complexities of modern relationships.


Comedydrama, Family
2 hr. 6 min.
Opened August 2nd, 2024