Spun (R)

Ross is tweaking hard. He needs to score some speed real bad. There's only one place to go; and so, Ross heads over to Spider Mike's pad in his beat-up old Volvo. Spider Mike, the high-strung, ultra-paranoid crystal meth dealer wants to "hook up" Ross, but there's only one problem--he lost his stash. Spider Mike tells Ross to chill out on the couch with fellow tweakers Nikki, Frisbee, and his girlfriend Cookie, while he searches around for the missing dope. Nikki, the ultra-hot stripper from Vegas, eyes his brown Volvo parked out front and formulates a plan. When it becomes clear that Spider Mike's stash is lost for good, she tells Ross that her boyfriend can hook him up with whatever he needs. The two split Spider Mike's pad, and drive to a sleazy motel where Nikki introduces Ross to her boyfriend, the Cook, who is one badass dude. He is also a big time methamphetamine manufacturer. His dingy motel room serves as his kitchen, where he cooks up batches of crystal from his makeshift lab and then passes it on to Spider Mike to hustle. The Cook flips Ross a bag of meth and offers him a deal he can't refuse--free dope in exchange for free rides in his car. Over the next three days, Ross goes on an epic drug binge as he becomes the Cook's personal chauffeur and confidant. He heads from one bizarre situation to the next as he makes his descent into the crazy world of speed addicts, in which there exists no boundaries of morality.
Thriller, Comedydrama
1 hr. 41 min.
Opened March 28th, 2003
MovieGoer Review
An endless day--make that
days--in the life of a group of bottom-dwelling meth heads whose sole purpose is to make their next score and get high.
There ain't much of one. In a nutshell, a group of s... MORE

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Ross is tweaking hard. He needs to score some speed real bad. There's only one place to go; and so, Ross heads over to Spider Mike's pad in his beat-up old Volvo. Spider Mike, the high-strung, ultra-paranoid crystal meth dealer wants to "hook up" Ross, but there's only one problem--he lost his stash. Spider Mike tells Ross to chill out on the couch with fellow tweakers Nikki, Frisbee, and his girlfriend Cookie, while he searches around for the missing dope. Nikki, the ultra-hot stripper from Vegas, eyes his brown Volvo parked out front and formulates a plan. When it becomes clear that Spider Mike's stash is lost for good, she tells Ross that her boyfriend can hook him up with whatever he needs. The two split Spider Mike's pad, and drive to a sleazy motel where Nikki introduces Ross to her boyfriend, the Cook, who is one badass dude. He is also a big time methamphetamine manufacturer. His dingy motel room serves as his kitchen, where he cooks up batches of crystal from his makeshift lab and then passes it on to Spider Mike to hustle. The Cook flips Ross a bag of meth and offers him a deal he can't refuse--free dope in exchange for free rides in his car. Over the next three days, Ross goes on an epic drug binge as he becomes the Cook's personal chauffeur and confidant. He heads from one bizarre situation to the next as he makes his descent into the crazy world of speed addicts, in which there exists no boundaries of morality.
Thriller, Comedydrama
1 hr. 41 min.
Opened March 28th, 2003
MovieGoer Review
An endless day--make that
days--in the life of a group of bottom-dwelling meth heads whose sole purpose is to make their next score and get high.
There ain't much of one. In a nutshell, a group of s... MORE