Panic Room (R)

Quicklook Rating★★★½


After purchasing a brownstone in New York, a thirty-something divorced woman and her daughter are forced to take advantage of the hidden room - the "panic room" - when intruders break into their home.

MovieGoer Review

Critics writing reviews of Panic Room will likely delve into the cliché bag and pull out some of these familiar phrases: pulse-pounding, edge-of-the-seat, white-knuckler, thrill-a-minute, etc. However trite those sayings might be, they are... MORE

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After purchasing a brownstone in New York, a thirty-something divorced woman and her daughter are forced to take advantage of the hidden room - the "panic room" - when intruders break into their home.

MovieGoer Review

Critics writing reviews of Panic Room will likely delve into the cliché bag and pull out some of these familiar phrases: pulse-pounding, edge-of-the-seat, white-knuckler, thrill-a-minute, etc. However trite those sayings might be, they are... MORE