The Golden Bowl (R)

Set in the opulent social scene of England and Italy between 1903 and 1909, the story of two marriages dangerously intertwined in a web of secrets and lies. Adam Verner, an American billionaire art collector, and his sheltered daughter Maggie marry, only to discover that their respective spouses--the beautiful American expatriate Charlotte Stant and the illustrious but bankrupt Italian aristocrat Prince Amerigo-are romantically entangled with one another.
Drama, Romance
2 hr. 14 min.
Opened April 27th, 2001

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Set in the opulent social scene of England and Italy between 1903 and 1909, the story of two marriages dangerously intertwined in a web of secrets and lies. Adam Verner, an American billionaire art collector, and his sheltered daughter Maggie marry, only to discover that their respective spouses--the beautiful American expatriate Charlotte Stant and the illustrious but bankrupt Italian aristocrat Prince Amerigo-are romantically entangled with one another.
Drama, Romance
2 hr. 14 min.
Opened April 27th, 2001