Sweet November (PG-13)

A workaholic tycoon meets a seemingly care free woman who takes a new lover every month. She convinces him to spend a month with her so that she can help him overcome his unresolved emotional issues. After he falls in love with her, he discovers the reason behind her fear of commitment.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 54 min.
Opened February 16th, 2001
MovieGoer Review
Sara Deever (Charlize Theron) has a mission. Every month she starts a new relationship, helps the man become a better person and then moves on. November rolls around, and this time its Nelson Moss (Keanu Reeves) who hopes to woo her for goo... MORE

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A workaholic tycoon meets a seemingly care free woman who takes a new lover every month. She convinces him to spend a month with her so that she can help him overcome his unresolved emotional issues. After he falls in love with her, he discovers the reason behind her fear of commitment.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 54 min.
Opened February 16th, 2001
MovieGoer Review
Sara Deever (Charlize Theron) has a mission. Every month she starts a new relationship, helps the man become a better person and then moves on. November rolls around, and this time its Nelson Moss (Keanu Reeves) who hopes to woo her for goo... MORE