Urban Legends: Final Cut (R)

During a contest to determine the best thesis film, student filmmakers at Alpine University are having an unusually hard time of it because someone is killing crew members. Among the student competitors are the son of a famous film mogul and Amy, whose thesis film is about the contemporary tall tales known as urban legends and who must unmask the killer before she too becomes an urban legend.
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened September 22nd, 2000
MovieGoer Review
On Friday, Sept. 22, moviegoers across the nation will flock to see one of the greatest horror films of all time. But if "The Exorcist" doesn't make it to your town, you'll have to settle for "Urban Legends: Final Cut."

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During a contest to determine the best thesis film, student filmmakers at Alpine University are having an unusually hard time of it because someone is killing crew members. Among the student competitors are the son of a famous film mogul and Amy, whose thesis film is about the contemporary tall tales known as urban legends and who must unmask the killer before she too becomes an urban legend.
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened September 22nd, 2000
MovieGoer Review
On Friday, Sept. 22, moviegoers across the nation will flock to see one of the greatest horror films of all time. But if "The Exorcist" doesn't make it to your town, you'll have to settle for "Urban Legends: Final Cut."