Play It to the Bone (R)

"Play It to the Bone" stars Antonio Banderas and Woody Harrelson (as welterweight boxers Caesar Dominguez and Vince Boudreau, respectively, who get a final shot at boxing's big time. With only a few hours to get to Vegas, they take an unexpectedly circuitous road trip through the sizzling desert with quirky girlfriend Grace Pasic.
2 hr. 5 min.
Opened January 21st, 2000
MovieGoer Review
Play it to the Bone" opens with a beautiful, seductive and even tranquil sequence of Las Vegas near dusk. Panning above the manmade, anachronistic mammoth hotels to a woman singing about dreamers and dreams, Vegas -- bathing in its surreal ... MORE

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"Play It to the Bone" stars Antonio Banderas and Woody Harrelson (as welterweight boxers Caesar Dominguez and Vince Boudreau, respectively, who get a final shot at boxing's big time. With only a few hours to get to Vegas, they take an unexpectedly circuitous road trip through the sizzling desert with quirky girlfriend Grace Pasic.
2 hr. 5 min.
Opened January 21st, 2000
MovieGoer Review
Play it to the Bone" opens with a beautiful, seductive and even tranquil sequence of Las Vegas near dusk. Panning above the manmade, anachronistic mammoth hotels to a woman singing about dreamers and dreams, Vegas -- bathing in its surreal ... MORE