Notting Hill (PG-13)

Anna Scott is the world's most famous movie star. Her picture has been plastered on the cover of every magazine, and every time she makes a move, the entire world knows about it. William Thacker owns a travel bookstore. His business is stagnant, he has the roommate from hell, and since his divorce, his love life is completely non-existent. For both, something or someone seems to be missing. And when Anna and William's paths unexpectedly cross in the eclectic neighborhood of Notting Hill, romance is the last thing on their minds.
Comedy, Romance
2 hr. 4 min.
Opened May 28th, 1999
MovieGoer Review
In Western culture, we are obsessed by the concept of celebrity. How else can one explain the plague of paparazzi that descends on public figures when they make appearances, or the popularity of gossip magazines and TV shows? Celebrities ar... MORE

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Anna Scott is the world's most famous movie star. Her picture has been plastered on the cover of every magazine, and every time she makes a move, the entire world knows about it. William Thacker owns a travel bookstore. His business is stagnant, he has the roommate from hell, and since his divorce, his love life is completely non-existent. For both, something or someone seems to be missing. And when Anna and William's paths unexpectedly cross in the eclectic neighborhood of Notting Hill, romance is the last thing on their minds.
Comedy, Romance
2 hr. 4 min.
Opened May 28th, 1999
MovieGoer Review
In Western culture, we are obsessed by the concept of celebrity. How else can one explain the plague of paparazzi that descends on public figures when they make appearances, or the popularity of gossip magazines and TV shows? Celebrities ar... MORE