A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (R)

The story of an American family living in Paris in the sixties and seventies. The father is a successful writer, a WWII veteran haunted by his experiences in the Pacific. His wife is an emotional, fun-loving woman. The film opens the day six-year old Benoit, a french orphan, is brought into the family for adoption.
2 hr. 10 min.
Opened September 18th, 1998

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The story of an American family living in Paris in the sixties and seventies. The father is a successful writer, a WWII veteran haunted by his experiences in the Pacific. His wife is an emotional, fun-loving woman. The film opens the day six-year old Benoit, a french orphan, is brought into the family for adoption.
2 hr. 10 min.
Opened September 18th, 1998