Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (NR)

The third part of the Paradise Lost trilogy, examining the case of the notorious West Memphis 3. This final version chronicles the last years in prison and eventual release of the three men accused of brutally murdering three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. The men were released after entering an Alford plea on August 19, 2011, allowing them to assert their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors had enough evidence to convict.
1 hr. 46 min.

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The third part of the Paradise Lost trilogy, examining the case of the notorious West Memphis 3. This final version chronicles the last years in prison and eventual release of the three men accused of brutally murdering three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas in 1993. The men were released after entering an Alford plea on August 19, 2011, allowing them to assert their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors had enough evidence to convict.
1 hr. 46 min.