It's a Wonderful Afterlife (PG-13)

Mrs. Sethi begins killing the families that reject her overweight daughter as a marriage candidate. She doesn't feel too guilty until the spirits of her victims come back to haunt her as they are unable to be reincarnated until their murderer dies. Mrs Sethi has no problem killing herself - she'll get to see her dead husband again - but how can she go before her daughter is married? The spirits realize that helping Mrs Sethi's daughter find a suitable husband before the police catch her is their only chance for a wonderful afterlife. It's a big bloody wedding and a comic feast which takes the phrase 'I could murder a curry' to hysterical new heights.
Comedy, Horror
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened October 8th, 2010

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Mrs. Sethi begins killing the families that reject her overweight daughter as a marriage candidate. She doesn't feel too guilty until the spirits of her victims come back to haunt her as they are unable to be reincarnated until their murderer dies. Mrs Sethi has no problem killing herself - she'll get to see her dead husband again - but how can she go before her daughter is married? The spirits realize that helping Mrs Sethi's daughter find a suitable husband before the police catch her is their only chance for a wonderful afterlife. It's a big bloody wedding and a comic feast which takes the phrase 'I could murder a curry' to hysterical new heights.
Comedy, Horror
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened October 8th, 2010