Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure (NR)


"Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure" is a giant-screen film that tells the extraordinary true story of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton's now-legendary 1914-1916 British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. While never accomplishing its goal of the first crossing of the Antarctic continent, this expedition has become a larger-than-life testament to heroism and human endurance, with all 28 men surviving nearly two years in the barren, frigid Antarctic when their ship, Endurance, was caught in pack ice and eventually crushed. In October-November 1999 and April 2000, the film's production team undertook two expeditions to the Antarctic, capturing stunning images as they retraced and re-created the journey of Shackleton and the crew of the Endurance.

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"Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure" is a giant-screen film that tells the extraordinary true story of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton's now-legendary 1914-1916 British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. While never accomplishing its goal of the first crossing of the Antarctic continent, this expedition has become a larger-than-life testament to heroism and human endurance, with all 28 men surviving nearly two years in the barren, frigid Antarctic when their ship, Endurance, was caught in pack ice and eventually crushed. In October-November 1999 and April 2000, the film's production team undertook two expeditions to the Antarctic, capturing stunning images as they retraced and re-created the journey of Shackleton and the crew of the Endurance.