Big Nothing (R)
A frustrated, unemployed teacher decides to take revenge on life by embarking on a supposedly fool-proof blackmailing scheme with an unpredictable scammer, Gus Dickinson, and his ambitious girlfriend Josie McBroom, a former teenage beauty queen turned con-artist. Just as things get really bad for the ill-fated trio, you can rest assured, they're going to get much worse.
Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1 hr. 26 min.
Opened January 1st, 2006
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A frustrated, unemployed teacher decides to take revenge on life by embarking on a supposedly fool-proof blackmailing scheme with an unpredictable scammer, Gus Dickinson, and his ambitious girlfriend Josie McBroom, a former teenage beauty queen turned con-artist. Just as things get really bad for the ill-fated trio, you can rest assured, they're going to get much worse.
Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1 hr. 26 min.
Opened January 1st, 2006