Full Grown Men (NR)


Set in a stylized yet familiar landscape of Americana, Munro's whimsical cautionary tale follows Alby Cutrera, a 35-year-old husband and father who longs for the days of his carefree boyhood when his only occupation was playing with his action figures. Desperate to escape the confines of adulthood and return to his halcyon days, Alby tracks down his childhood whipping boy Elias, who now teaches at a special needs school, and persuades him to take a road trip to Diggityland - their favorite childhood theme park. As the dynamic duo motor along Florida's tatty Orange Blossom Highway, they encounter a cast of tragicomic creatures, including an AWOL ex-theme park employee turned commando hitchhiker, an oversexed bartending clown-in-training, and a trailer-dwelling delusional mermaid. Calamity and mayhem ensue as Alby and Elias' sentimental trip down memory lane becomes an unsolicited lesson in the perils of living in the past.

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Set in a stylized yet familiar landscape of Americana, Munro's whimsical cautionary tale follows Alby Cutrera, a 35-year-old husband and father who longs for the days of his carefree boyhood when his only occupation was playing with his action figures. Desperate to escape the confines of adulthood and return to his halcyon days, Alby tracks down his childhood whipping boy Elias, who now teaches at a special needs school, and persuades him to take a road trip to Diggityland - their favorite childhood theme park. As the dynamic duo motor along Florida's tatty Orange Blossom Highway, they encounter a cast of tragicomic creatures, including an AWOL ex-theme park employee turned commando hitchhiker, an oversexed bartending clown-in-training, and a trailer-dwelling delusional mermaid. Calamity and mayhem ensue as Alby and Elias' sentimental trip down memory lane becomes an unsolicited lesson in the perils of living in the past.