Teacher's Pet (PG)

Spot the Dog is so curious about the world that he has taught himself how to talk and read, and then sneaks to school with his master, Leonard, where he poses as a human.
Family, Comedy
1 hr. 24 min.
Opened January 16th, 2004
MovieGoer Review
Disney's Teacher's Pet tries hard to be a musical extravaganza in the form of a quirky animated kid's movie, but ultimately it can't get past the inanity of its bizarre plot about a dog who dreams of becoming a human boy, and his master, wh... MORE

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Spot the Dog is so curious about the world that he has taught himself how to talk and read, and then sneaks to school with his master, Leonard, where he poses as a human.
Family, Comedy
1 hr. 24 min.
Opened January 16th, 2004
MovieGoer Review
Disney's Teacher's Pet tries hard to be a musical extravaganza in the form of a quirky animated kid's movie, but ultimately it can't get past the inanity of its bizarre plot about a dog who dreams of becoming a human boy, and his master, wh... MORE