Robots (2005) (PG)

A young genius wants his robots to make the world a better place. He falls in love with a very sexy executive robot and must face down a corporate tyrant and aid a master inventor.
Animation, Comedy
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened March 11th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
Robots, about a small-town metal man who wants to make it big in the big city, inspires us all with a heartfelt message to follow your dreams and never give up.
In a mechanized world, an imaginative young invento... MORE

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A young genius wants his robots to make the world a better place. He falls in love with a very sexy executive robot and must face down a corporate tyrant and aid a master inventor.
Animation, Comedy
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened March 11th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
Robots, about a small-town metal man who wants to make it big in the big city, inspires us all with a heartfelt message to follow your dreams and never give up.
In a mechanized world, an imaginative young invento... MORE