My Bakit List


Bombarded with so much why's in her life, Dess embarks on a soul searching journey. Unknown to her, she is about to face the biggest why of her life when she accidentally bumps into Ejay, her ex-boyfriend who left her without any explanation. Will this open a new chapter in their foiled relationship or will this just be a prelude to a second heartbreak? Will this answer all the why's in her life or will it just create more questions in her mind?


Comedy, Romance
1 hr. 41 min.


Bona Fajardo


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Bombarded with so much why's in her life, Dess embarks on a soul searching journey. Unknown to her, she is about to face the biggest why of her life when she accidentally bumps into Ejay, her ex-boyfriend who left her without any explanation. Will this open a new chapter in their foiled relationship or will this just be a prelude to a second heartbreak? Will this answer all the why's in her life or will it just create more questions in her mind?


Comedy, Romance
1 hr. 41 min.


Bona Fajardo
