The Teachers' Protest


1942. Occupied Norway. Teachers are told they must join the Nazi Teachers' League and teach Nazi ideas in their classrooms. 8,000 of them write protest letters. They are threatened with salary withdrawal and the sack. Still they refuse. In a desperate attempt to break them, the Nazi government arrests 1000 male teachers and sends them to prison camps 300 miles above the Arctic Circle. This documentary uses interviews, archive footage and the fascinating animation of original drawings to tell the teachers' story to an international audience for the first time.


1 hr. 18 min.


Jon Seal


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1942. Occupied Norway. Teachers are told they must join the Nazi Teachers' League and teach Nazi ideas in their classrooms. 8,000 of them write protest letters. They are threatened with salary withdrawal and the sack. Still they refuse. In a desperate attempt to break them, the Nazi government arrests 1000 male teachers and sends them to prison camps 300 miles above the Arctic Circle. This documentary uses interviews, archive footage and the fascinating animation of original drawings to tell the teachers' story to an international audience for the first time.


1 hr. 18 min.


Jon Seal
