Wind River (R)

Quicklook Rating★★★½
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WIND RIVER is a chilling thriller that follows a rookie FBI agent (Elizabeth Olsen) who teams up with a local game tracker with deep community ties and a haunted past (Jeremy Renner) to investigate the murder of a local girl on a remote Native American Reservation in the hopes of solving her mysterious death.

MovieGoer Review

Anyone who has seen either Sicario or Hell or High Water, the two previous scripts credited to writer/director Taylor Sheridan, should have a good idea what to expect tonally from Wind River. Sheridan doesn't write happy, escapist fantasies... MORE

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WIND RIVER is a chilling thriller that follows a rookie FBI agent (Elizabeth Olsen) who teams up with a local game tracker with deep community ties and a haunted past (Jeremy Renner) to investigate the murder of a local girl on a remote Native American Reservation in the hopes of solving her mysterious death.

MovieGoer Review

Anyone who has seen either Sicario or Hell or High Water, the two previous scripts credited to writer/director Taylor Sheridan, should have a good idea what to expect tonally from Wind River. Sheridan doesn't write happy, escapist fantasies... MORE