The Insider (R)

On the edge of exposing one of the decade's most incendiary public health issues, "60 Minutes" television producer Lowell Bergman must convince former tobacco industry insider Dr. Jeffrey Wigand to reveal the truth about the practices of cigarette companies, although the consequences to his career and family may be ruinous.
2 hr. 35 min.
Opened November 5th, 1999
MovieGoer Review
The strengths of director Michael Mann's "The Insider" don't have much to do with its revelations about the tobacco industry, or the blurring of lines between what's newsworthy and what's good for business. The real pull in this slightly ov... MORE

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On the edge of exposing one of the decade's most incendiary public health issues, "60 Minutes" television producer Lowell Bergman must convince former tobacco industry insider Dr. Jeffrey Wigand to reveal the truth about the practices of cigarette companies, although the consequences to his career and family may be ruinous.
2 hr. 35 min.
Opened November 5th, 1999
MovieGoer Review
The strengths of director Michael Mann's "The Insider" don't have much to do with its revelations about the tobacco industry, or the blurring of lines between what's newsworthy and what's good for business. The real pull in this slightly ov... MORE