Magic Magic (R)
This film tells the story of a shy young girl, Alicia, who embarks on the trip of a lifetime to a remote part of Chilé with her cousin Sarah and Sarah's friends. However, the holiday does not go as planned as Sarah suddenly has to return to school leaving Alicia alone in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. Alicia desperately tries to settle into her new surroundings but finds it difficult; entering a world of disturbing landscapes where she begins to mentally unravel. Her friends see her increasingly erratic behaviour as irrational, but they remain blissfully unaware of how much darker things will become for them. As their lack of sympathy - and the language barrier - pushes Alicia further into isolation and closer to the edge, things begin to take a rapidly downwards spiral for the group; forcing them into a situation that proves both terrifying and life-threatening...
1 hr. 38 min.
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This film tells the story of a shy young girl, Alicia, who embarks on the trip of a lifetime to a remote part of Chilé with her cousin Sarah and Sarah's friends. However, the holiday does not go as planned as Sarah suddenly has to return to school leaving Alicia alone in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. Alicia desperately tries to settle into her new surroundings but finds it difficult; entering a world of disturbing landscapes where she begins to mentally unravel. Her friends see her increasingly erratic behaviour as irrational, but they remain blissfully unaware of how much darker things will become for them. As their lack of sympathy - and the language barrier - pushes Alicia further into isolation and closer to the edge, things begin to take a rapidly downwards spiral for the group; forcing them into a situation that proves both terrifying and life-threatening...
1 hr. 38 min.