Blitz (R)

Quicklook Rating★★★


A fast-paced thriller set in contemporary London, "Blitz" reflects the challenges faced by a group of police officers working in a modern, multi-cultural society. A raw, gritty tale of moral ambiguity, outsiders and the sacrifices the police make to keep crime off British streets.

MovieGoer Review

For writer/director Steve McQueen, whose previous films have included the likes of Shame and 12 Years a Slave, Blitz represents an almost conventional turn. Although the movie includes a subtext related to the class and race divisions evide... MORE

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A fast-paced thriller set in contemporary London, "Blitz" reflects the challenges faced by a group of police officers working in a modern, multi-cultural society. A raw, gritty tale of moral ambiguity, outsiders and the sacrifices the police make to keep crime off British streets.

MovieGoer Review

For writer/director Steve McQueen, whose previous films have included the likes of Shame and 12 Years a Slave, Blitz represents an almost conventional turn. Although the movie includes a subtext related to the class and race divisions evide... MORE